Ecological Companies in Colombia
With increasingly frequent headlines about the devastating effects of climate change, there is a vast amount of ecological companies in
Colombia that desire in some way' to control this growing situation.
With this in mind, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2018-2019, one of the countries with the most growth projections is Colombia. Moreover, companies in Colombia have been focusing on harvesting new and improved ways to save the environment. As said by The Ministry of the Environment, there are more than 1.400 businesses of this type in Colombia, which generate more than 21.000 jobs.
There are different sub-clusters of eco-friendly companies in Colombia; here are the most relevant ones:
Packaging (no more plastic): There are ecological companies in Colombia dedicated to manufacturing substitutes for plastic bags and other packaging types.
Hygiene and personal care products: Different companies in Colombia are innovating products to replace soaps, scouring pads, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, children's, and others for daily use
Waste management: The national government created the circular economy strategy in 2018 to recycle and recover material. That means the correct disposal of batteries, lead-acid batteries, pesticide containers, expired Medicines, metal scrap for steel production, and vehicle disintegration and manipulation of other, Organic and inorganic materials. This strategy has achieved more than 50 public and private actors during its first year, developing regional workshops that have generated more than 80 successful initiatives in the country.
Music: Even in music, there are initiatives such as Latin Latas. A group of women developed their instruments with recycled materials and are now playing in different scenarios with their environmentally-friendly music.
In the strategic conception of the National Green Business Plan, ecological companies in Colombia will be positioned and consolidated as a new strategic line of impact on the national economy.

Megasorboil® and Lotosorboil®
Environment, Waste Management
Spill Containment Pallet
Environment, Waste Management