Colombian Underwear Suppliers
The Colombian underwear suppliers’ sales have increased during the last years, as the women´s underwear industry have grown rapidly. It has gained recognition within international markets because of the excellent quality of Colombian fabric and innovative designs. Additionally, the textile factories and fabric companies’ capacity allows many Colombian Underwear Suppliers to offer full package production. According to the National Department of Statistics (DANE), Colombian clothing brands within this segment exported over 11.6 million dollars in 2019. Colombia is one of the top exporters of women´s and men´s underwear in South America, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Therefore, this is a niche with growth potential.
Colombian textile industries focus their efforts on creating high-quality fabric. Because of the high amount of textile factories and fabric industries, fabrics innovation processes are promoted. These are traduced into high-quality intelligent textiles such as spandex and shapewear fabric. As comfort and sportswear trends are increasing, Colombian underwear suppliers are using these textiles to produce high-quality underwear that provides comfort and support to their users. Colombian clothing companies are recognized in international markets for their diverse product portfolios, which allows them to supply their customers´ necessities.
As the market grows and different segments need to be covered, opportunities are created for new and small clothing manufacturing companies. To supply the demand, some of them have focused on producing lingerie, panties, and briefs. These are brands are recognized for their innovative designs and the high quality of their products. However, another relevant segment is being covered by Colombian underwear suppliers. Colombia is among the top five girdle exporters in the world. Shapewear brands take advantage of the high quality and intelligent Colombian fabrics to produce control clothing. Products like straps, body shapers, waistbands, and reducing belts are some of the most relevant products that these companies export to supply the market.