Leather factories in Colombia
If you see a well-designed high quality soft like leather handbag or wallet, the chances are it was made in Colombia.
The leather supply chain and leather factories in Colombia offer diverse and tremendous opportunities for global investors and local entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and investment portfolios. The leather industry in Colombia is already a solid one due to its global demand adding a big impact into the exportation market and economic development of the country. Additionally, the country offers a wide array of qualified manual labor and innovative technology to produce leather, lowering the cost of raw materials needed to develop leather products. Proper handling of the skin and the care given throughout the whole manufacturing process position Colombian leather goods manufacturers as one of the best and most attractive exporters in the world.
In 2019, the exportation of Colombian leather increased to over $63 million USD compared to $57million USD in 2018. This expansion is due to higher sales in the United States, Peru and Ecuador. The main export destinations of leather supplies and products made in Colombia are the United States with 68.3%, Mexico (6.4%), Peru (4.2%), Panama (2.2%) and Ecuador (2%).
Among the most attractive products made by Colombian leather are bags, handbags, wallets, suitcases, purses, shoes and boots.
Leather factories and manufacturers in Colombia are tapping into new markets including Europe. For instance, Italy and Germany are some of the countries working closely with local leather brands to establish leather shoes wholesale deals.