
Industries 4.0 - Software
Industries 4.0 - Software


Colombia is developing its software & IT industry with the aim of maximizing its great potential. The sector is being strongly boosted by its competitive human capital, by strong government and business union commitment, and by the presence of regional clusters.

This wide offer of Colombian origin stands out for its experience developing specialized solutions at competitive costs, which is why international buyers are coming to our doors in search of an answer to all their software & IT needs.

For more information, please contact Procolombia Team

Clara Inés López Cardona
Software - Services Exports Business Leader
Alejandro Londoño
Services Exports Business Leader, United States
Dayana Martínez
Trade Representative for Puerto Rico, French Territories, U.S and British Virgin Islands
Juan Camilo Charry
Services Exports Business Leader, Mexico
Adriana Peñarredonda
Services Exports Business Leader, Peru
Diego Felipe Cifuentes
Services Exports Business Leader, Ecuador
Luis Alberto Baquero
Services Exports Business Leader, Spain
Angelica Camacho
Services Exports Business Leader, UK
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Hemisferio D, CLAP is an easy, integrated, cloud-based training platform based on microlearning, which enhances the impact of training processes in organizations.
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Higuera Studios SAS, Higuera Studios develops comprehensive digital experiences for instruction, simulation, training, work safety improvement, certification, or education, combining sophisticated 2D and 3D animation skills and mobile and VR application development. From UI development to back-end database programming, Higuera specializes in development that brings unique, digital, and virtual experiences, where safety improvement at work, teaching, and training on impossible and real-life situations or environments is key.
We are always motivated to create the most immersive experiences, that’s why are capable to develops and design wireless IoT devices that work together with the VR and cloud platforms in our products.
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Holistica Organizacional SAS, Holistica Organizacional SAS obtained in 2019, among 376 participating companies, the National Ingenuity Award granted by the Colombian Federation of the Software Industry (FEDESOFT) with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MINTIC), as the best software development company in the country in the ¨Government Projects¨ category.
We are a company dedicated to correctly managing the security of processes, operations and information, establishing and maintaining programs, controls and policies aimed at preserving their confidentiality, integrity and availability, through the parameterization and implementation of an automated methodology called MIFGS, framed within the international cybersecurity and cyber defense standards and current regulations.
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I-Optia SAS, I-Optia SAS is an engineering company that provides technological solutions to solve operational problems in industrial operations. I-Optia combines its experience in operations, in reliability engineering with the application of artificial intelligence, to solve critical problems of complex operations such as mining and oil and gas. I-Optia has developed digital products such as digital twins that allow to optimize processes, reduce unplanned production stops and reduce operating costs. I-Optia has senior experts in oil & gas at a global level with more than 35 years of experience and a group of engineers who are experts in AI, robotics and telecommunications. The I-Optia team has developed engineering projects for the last 5 years in mining operations in Australia, Saudi Arabia, Chile and is currently developing a pilot of a digital twin for an oil & gas company in Colombia.
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IAS - Soluciones para sector financiero, It is a company that is dedicated to materialize the technological needs of customers, through the creation and evolution of software applications with practices that quickly deliver tangible results in short time periods.
Among its services is:
1. Custom software development
2. Mobile application development
3. Support and maintenance of cloud services
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ICONOI S.A., We are a company with more than 22 years of experience as providers of business solutions in technology, custom software development, outsourcing of specialized personnel and specialized MHEALTH platforms.
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IDATA SAS, IDATA is a company specialized in making solutions from the advanced analysis on data. Our scope is the predictive modelling for solving strategic questions for business in real time. Our solutions include consultancy and totally automated products that help companies of any sector to monetize their databases on predictive methodologies. Our first level data-scientists team support the flexibility, scalability, and effectivity of our solutions.
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IGERENCIA S.A.S., Company with more than 20 years in the market offering services in the successful implementation of technological solutions for business intelligence, and Business Analytics which positively impact the processes of our clients in the multiple areas of their organization.
Our scope offers service solutions through Projects that generate value with Frameworks, Human Talent, Web Solutions and Intellectual Property, as well as tailor-made solutions for specific areas of the organization.
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Ikarosoft Technology S.A.S, Ikarosoft is an established company that develops and implements web and mobile applications, we also provide consulting services, Testing and we have a help desk product called Ikaros Management which allows you to manage all your service requests in an automated way. Our group of engineers and creatives work hard every day to overcome any obstacle while meeting the needs of our clients.
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Ilusoria S.A.S, It is a company that helps organizations generate new opportunities for innovation and growth by developing applications for businesses.
It has a software (ABU ERP) that contributes to the way companies are managed. This is a unified business management tool that intuitively synchronizes and integrates all departments of the enterprise with the ease of handling everything in a single dashboard.
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IMG Procesos y Tecnología SAS, IMG is a company that develops technological solutions. We are a team that provides process and technology solutions based on innovative knowledge to our clients' senior management. We have more than fifteen years of experience supporting our clients in the redesign of their processes, implementing software solutions, achieving increased productivity and providing the management with the information required for decision-making.
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Imix LatAm , Fintech as A Service for Reaching Last Mile
Imix provides Fintech infrastructure and strategy as a service, providing scalable, ready to use platforms that deploy financial inclusion ecosystems.
Allows rapid innovation for digital payments and credit for financial institutions, fintechs and embedded finance ecosystems.
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INFINITUM SCI TECH SAS, Intelligent Virtual Assistant, with cognitive capabilities, capable of making massive calls and interacting with users through all communication channels such as voice (Calls) or text (Web Chat, WhatsApp, Social Networks or Text messages).
Knowledge and skills assessment manager
Automated evaluation processes that allow evaluating knowledge and skills in any language.
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INFO PROJECTS, Info Projects is a company specialised in the application of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution for the construction of innovative digital solutions that improve the core business of our clients and help them identify new lines of business.
We offer advisory, consulting, and knowledge transfer for digital transformation, corporate strategy and new business models .
We also offer software services for design, project management, construction, operation, maintenance and support of software systems.
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INFORMATICA & TECNOLOGIA STEFANINI, S.A., With over 26 years of experience in the market, Informatica & Tecnologia Stefanini provides a wide sort of IT services. More than 800 Engineers work directly with us, servicing the local and international market.
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