The death of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán in 1948 triggered the popular wrath that threw hundreds of dead and took step to a civil war that has lasted more than 60 years. This it is the definitive document of an event that it changed to Colombia for always. In 1948, painful events they changed by root the history of Colombia of century XX. Bogota, the Colombian capital, was prepared to receive the delegations of IX the Pan-American Conference that gave rise to the OAS.
The sessions were in course; at noon when of Friday 9 of April the popular caudillo Jorge Eliécer was assassinated. The popular wrath turned upside down on downtown, in an uncontrollable blaze that threw hundreds of dead and it extended by all the national territory.
The Bogotazo: an event that started off in two the history of century XX in Colombia, increasing in form the violence that already came developing in diverse regions from the country. Sixty years later, we presented a retrospective glance, on the memory and the effects of this event.