Publishing industry in Colombia
The publishing industry in Colombia offers a variety of content to cater different markets and age groups.
There are numerous editorials, independent publishers, book stores and retailers that combine creativity, storytelling and human talent to make it an attractive industry for both national and international sellers and consumers.
Colombia is known for its famous writers some of whom have reached utmost recognition. Colombian authors have helped consolidate the book publishing and editorial industry by giving it international fame and also through the work they themselves have put into this industry.
Colombia is the second largest consumer of books in South America showing that it's significant to the local economy and the socio-cultural sphere. The quality of its printing, marketing, and publishing services satisfies the highest international standards.
It's also the place to find unique childrens’ editorials and mixed media to match global trends. Technology is playing a role in book consumption, and Colombian editorials are up-to-date with the digital age offering ebooks and creative tools to allow innovative interactions with consumers through different platforms.
There are well established editorials like Panamericana and also a growing number of smaller newer independent editorials many of which can be found in Bogota’s famous and massive Feria del Libro (Book Fair).
An interesting initiative is Editorial Magisterio, composed of colombian educators aimed to help improve the quality of educational content accessible to citizens from different countries, especially for younger people.
The Colombian editorial industry has high potential and is well established and dynamic enough to satisfy an array of specialized needs and attract international readers.

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Books on CD
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Books printed on paper
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