Motorcycle spare parts distributor colombia
As one of the largest motorcycle manufacturers in Latin America, the automotive industry counts with a considerable amount of motorcycle spare parts distributors in Colombia. With this in mind, they are capable and experienced in attending national and international demand, ranging from motorbikes to motorcycle parts and motorcycle accessories. In accordance with the Colombian business association's (ANDI) reports, with approximately 200 companies operating along the automotive supply chain, the local automotive industry has a production capacity of 260,000 vehicles and one million motorcycles per year. The latter positions Colombia as the second country of Latin America in terms of motorcycle market after Brazil, which due to its size, has naturally a bigger market.
Motorcycle companies are therefore invested in delivering quality products and their business activities do not rely solely on the goods they manufacture and distribute, but likewise on the related services such as, motorcycle repairs and the adjustment of corresponding electric systems. Additionally, motorcycle spare parts distributors in Colombia play a meaningful role in the industrial value chain since they are in charge of keeping up to date the vehicles in terms of safety and functionality. Thus, motorcycle parts such as steel pipes and steel tubes, amongst others, are in accordance with the corresponding regulations.
Consequently, motorcycle repair shops are important elements for the motorcycle sector of the automotive industry to keep running. Furthermore, according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), the industry of motorcycle in Colombia contribute to the creation of qualified employment opportunities, registering approximately 7 thousand direct jobs for assembly activities. Moreover, the DANE established that for each one of the assembly positions created, around 4 new positions are created in the production of auto parts.