Important information regarding the contacts and business relationships that you make through the B2B MARKET PLACE, keep in mind that:

  1. PROCOLOMBIA accompanies companies with the purpose of facilitating business opportunities between exporters and buyers, without intervening in purchase and/or sale decisions, therefore, the contractual and legal responsibility of commercial negotiations falls directly on the companies that carried out the commercial transaction (exporter and buyer).
  2. Although PROCOLOMBIA carries out a preliminary investigation of the companies as part of its work methodology and commercial management, this process does not constitute any guarantee of compliance in the negotiations between the parties, for this reason it is recommended that both the exporter and the buyer carry out their own validations and protect their commercial operations with the mechanisms available in international trade regulations.
  3. The relationship between PROCOLOMBIA and the companies in Colombia and abroad, is generated through trust and the experience acquired from previous actions; however, such companies may present situations that could lead to possible breaches, without these being the responsibility of PROCOLOMBIA, which is why both exporters and buyers must ensure that they use secure negotiation tools, seek advice from experts to assess commercial risks and formalize the contractual documents that may be necessary to shield their conversations.
  4. ProColombia will in no case be responsible for the information of the companies and/or products available on this platform since it is filled out completely by each one of the companies.
Servicio de fertilidad  Image
Servicio de fertilidad  Image
Servicio de fertilidad  Image

Servicio de fertilidad

Nuestro Servicio de Fertilidad está dirigido a parejas con dificultad para lograr un embarazo, que oscilan entre los 35 y 40 años de edad.

Nuestro compromiso es informarlos de forma correcta acerca de este proceso y acompañarlos en cada paso.

Este servicio se fundamenta en determinar la causa de la infertilidad y su tratamiento, además de un profundo respeto por la dignidad de la persona desde el inicio de la vida en el momento de la fecundación.
  • Health and Beauty
  • Other Grooming Products

Clínica Universidad de La Sabana

This tertiary-level academic health center is dedicated to assistance, training, and biomedical research. The center focuses on excellence, promoting life, and compassion in service within the framework of the Christian vision of a human being.

Health accreditation
-Good clinical practice (certified research and ethics committee)
-Good Manufacturing Practices for medical air compressor manufacturing
-CARF evaluation
-University hospital