HEALTH MANAGER (HIS) is a comprehensive web information system for the management of Medical Records and billing of health services. It is fully integrated with the accounting and budget information systems, Contaweb Erp and Sipres web, respectively, which makes it one of the most attractive technological solutions in the health sector.
Relevant points:
It complies with all the guidelines of Law 100, all the Decrees and resolutions in force in Colombia, such as:
Decree 3374 (RIPS), 4747, Resolutions 3047, 4505 and 2193, among others.
The system simplifies the entity's billing processes in such a way that compliance with decrees and resolutions were within the reach of a click.
Complies with Law 1438 (Electronic Medical Record).
Patients have access to their medical records from anywhere and can request appointments from their mobile, thanks to its scalability and handling of international standards such as HL7.