Coffee of Origin Jericó FINCA La Magdalena. Special high altitude coffee >=1,200 meters. The quality of the land comes from a large layer of vegetation which gives it a
high content of organic material, especially for planting coffee. Pulped cherry, grain fermenting from 12 to 18 hours, washed in clean water, and dried in the sun (parchment coffee) VARIETY Arabica Castillo, SCAA CLASSIFICATION 85.3. Aroma: PANELA, CARAMEL, ALMONDS, Flavour: panela chocolate, Residual flavor: Cocoa, Acidity: Medium citrus, Body: Medium silky, Sweetness: Caramel. Roasted beans: it is the way to preserve the nobility of the product in all its flavor and aroma. IDEAL MEDIUM ROAST: guarantees to be able to enjoy its aroma and flavor from the first moment and its medium roast highlights the qualities that the special coffee has. aroma and flavor of special coffee. Coffee without pesticides or fungicides.